Si el Pac-Man de Atari 2600 fuera publicado hoy…
Esta animación lleva cuatro días colgada en el videotubo y ya cuenta casi con un ciento de miles de visualizaciones. Se está convirtiendo en viral y memetiza por momentos mostrando al mundo entero cómo sería el mítico Pac-Man, que Toru Iwatani desarrolló para Namco en 1980, si se lanzara hoy mismo, con las características propias que tienen los videojuegos actuales.
El vídeo, a continuación. De lujo.
I’ve been a follower of yours for a while now and aleboutsly love your blog! This is my first time doing the ‘Monday Hop’ and i’m glad I was able to link up =). Hope you have a lovely week’xx
New follower from weneekd hop. (I am just catching up! You blog design is great! I don’t know what it looked like before, the the after is very nicely done!Huge green hugs,Pat
Mocha, there is an abortion pill it’s called Mifepristone. As far as answering the question at hand, don’t hurt yourself in order to terminate a pregnancy, that’s just not smart. Perhaps you should carry it full term then give the child to a couple who cannot have a baby. If that’s not for you, go to Planned Parenthood.